PTCL has launched a promotion to upgrade the data rate of 2 Mbps customers to 4Mbps without any additional charges till Jan 2013. PTCL Broadband 4 Mbps Data Rate provides the customers with unmatched consistent high speed and ultimate connectivity. Customers can surf the Internet, Play Online games,…
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PTCL Upgrades 1MB Student Package Users to 2MB
All student package users (who have been restricted to 1MB package) will be allowed to upgrade their package to 2…
Mobilink Infinity’s WiMAX USB Package
A WiMAX Dongle is a portable USB device that attaches to a USB port to enable a PC to connect to a WiMAX (or) 3G…
Wateen Telecom Pakistan’s Online Counter Strike Game Servers List
I know many of you out there are looking for Counter Strike servers to play in - but obviously have hard time…
Pakistan Telecom – Wateen WiMAX Signs of Improvement!
Wateen WiMAX in Pakistan is showing some signs of improvements...Wateen has launched a working Self-Care…
Pakistan Wateen WiMAX – Broadband Internet and Telephony
Sorry i haven't been posting here much but i haven't been on the internet for a while, i was moving to a new…