PTCL has introduced a new exciting offer to upgrade its 1 Mbps student basic package customers to 2 Mbps package without any additional charges.
PTCL customers can avail this grand offer without any additional charges till 30th Sep 2012. After the expiry of the promotional period 2 Mbps Student Basic package will be available at Rs. 1,299 per month. Consumers who wish to opt out of this offer can call 1236 or email at [email protected]. This offer is valid for all the student basic customers except for Broadband student bundle package customers.
I know some of you may have already been aware of this but for those not aware yet, i have some important news to share about PTCL, which is Pakistan’s largest internet service provider.
Even if you are not planning to upgrade there is something which concerns even those who are not planning to upgrade so if you don’t plan to upgrade just click here to skip to the part which only concerns those not upgrading.
New Tariff for PTCL Broadband Student Package:
- Student Basic Package: 1Mbps Student Basic Package @ Rs.1,099 per month
- 2Mbps Student Package Promo: 2Mbps Student Promo Package @ Rs.1,299 per month
- Subscribers who will opt out/revert on 1Mbps Student Basic will be charged Rs.1,099 per month.
- This promotion will not be applicable for Broadband student Bundle package customers.
Important Note for PTCL 1MB Student Package Consumers
I want make sure everyone is aware that even if you don’t upgrade PTCL has changed its tariff for PTCL 1 Mbps Student Package too, which will take effect after September 30th, 2012. PTCL would be increasing the price for all the 1MB student package users, so the new price for 1 Mbps student package would be Rs. 1,099 per month, which was previously Rs. 999 per month.
This means all 1MB student package consumers will have to pay Rs. 1,099 after September 30th, whether they upgrade their package to 2MB now and downgrade later, or if even if they don’t upgrade.
Are you planning to upgrade your broadband student package?
Use the below contact form to let us know and share your opinion with everyone.
Hi to all, Well Done PTCL. You are the best in pakistan and you proved that yet again!!
If you want to enjoy REAL unlimited downloads. You gotta need PTCL. Even if it is not that great, it will work for you if you need unlimited downloads. PTCL is also offering cheapest internet in Pakistan. If you compare it with any other like Wi-tribe, Wateen or Qubee, you are a fool. They are all limited and much worse. I think when we talk about internet, it is about access to the world without any limits to how far you could browse or how much information is available to you. Limits are only for immature users of the internet who probably don’t even know they are being limited.
PTCL Rocks!
What if the connection is not upgraded till 30th September? Mine is still not upgraded automatically…
@Sajid Ali Sheikh:
That could rarely happen, you might want to contact PTCL Helpline, Call 1236 from your PTCL. If your package has already been upgraded but you’re not getting the upgraded speed then they might ask you to call 1218.
very very high rate packages.. koi zarooret nahi boht mahkehy package allah maaf kery