Blog Game – BackLink To Me
Here is a new blog game that we all can play. It is called BackLink To Me. This is a new and fun blog game that we all can play, which will help us increase our back-links.
Backlinks, as we all know, is the foundation to a successful or increased Google PageRank. If you want to increase your Google PageRank, you have to increase the number of backlinks to your site and almost as importantly, your secondary or (deep link) pages. Backlinks are a collection of other pages on the Net that link back to your site or page within your site. Playing the new blog game, BackLink To Me will help you increase the number of sites that link to your site.
Hello! My Name Is Zubair. My website is at I have a BackLink to Garry. Here is how the game works:
- Create a new post and title it, ‘New Blog Game – BackLink To Me‘.
- Copy this entire post and paste it into your new post.
- Change my name to your name.
- Change my website address to your website address
- Change the name of the person I have a backlink to my name!
- Link my name back to the URL of this post!
- (optional) On your next comment on a friends blog, invite then to play and link to the post you created!
By participating in this blog game your site and one deep link page within your site will be a link in a huge chain of blogs that are all connected together. Google bots visit our sites daily (not sure if you knew that). By keeping our chain of links all together in a continuously growing circuit, we gain and increase a united linking strength. I want those Google Bots to visit all of our pages so that we all can have an improved Google PageRank.
If you decide to play the new blog game, please remember to link directly to this post, not my home page. I already have a link to that here on this post.
Please write a quick comment here on this post to let me know you are playing! That way I can keep track.
Have Fun! 😀
geekingly geekish jargon.
plz explain it to me in simple words.
If you want to particapate you Copy the above post that is written wrote (completely) – but you can make some changes to it so that search engines dont flag your or my post as Duplicate Content.
Once you copy the above post you Goto your blog and create a new post paste what is written here into your Blog – just make some changes to things for example(change My Name Is Zubair to My name is YOURNAME) and (My website is at to and (I have a BackLink to GarryConn to
– hope that makes it much more clear to you Zaheer
Zubair i will write a post linking back to you, but i am too thirsty.. i need 23343 backlinks :-s
How about we just trade links? I’ll link to one of your posts and you can link to one of mine. I’m sure you can find something useful on my website since we basically have similiar topics and I know I can find something useful to link to on yours. 🙂
How about I start in good faith that you’ll return the favor? Anyone else is welcome to do the same with me.
Just contact me with your website address and I’ll pick the post of yours that I want to link to and you can do the same on my website.
Let’s give eachother 24 hours to create the link back. If the other person doesn’t post a link back in return you can always remove the link. 🙁
The name of the game is “Trust”. haha!
your idea is good,but will it work?
It probably should, you see – we’re not the only ones doing this. I got the idea from
Garry Con, many other good blogs are doing this too.