Yahoo! Mobile Crawler

Yahoo! Mobile Crawler

Today while i was again on the search for something good, I came up-to a blog CleverHack whose author is Joy Larkin.

About the author:
A self described geek in her early 30’s, been online for well over a decade, presently works in BtoB Web marketing (Web Design, SEO, SEM, Information Architecture, Usability, Online Advertising, Email Deliver-ability). In previous lives, worked in IT support, taught computer classes for adults, made some money as a consultant to individuals and small businesses and in her last position, managed retail level E-Commerce.

You can find more about the author on her blog.

Well, now let me start a little, i was reading the post about her Yahoo Mobile Crawler issue, I’ve also seen the same happen to my friend a few days ago, actually it was quite similar…

The blog post states that the Yahoo! Mobile Crawler is not doing an accurate job crawling Mobile pages WML (Wireless Markup Language); People are becoming serious about their mobile websites and how they’re being crawled and presented more then ever especially since the launch of the official mobile domains (

Joy shows exactly whats wrong with the Yahoo! Mobile Crawler. I asked my friend to send a support email to Yahoo! Developers, but unfortunately there’s no reply from them as of yet, but it appears that my friend nor Joy is the only victim of this issue.

Check-out Joys Blog for more in-depth details about whats happening; others who are having similar problems please do post so that we can spread it out so that everyone gets aware of it, Especially Yahoo!

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