It is getting pretty common for Internet Service Providers and Governments to block access to and censor websites that they don't want internet users to see, they would be very successful if it weren't for some great app developers who really care, such as the guys who developed the Tor software.
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Browsing Tag
Firefox 17 Released with the new Social API
Well its true, Firefox 17 was just recently and with it released a cool new feature which is the new Social API,…
Chrome vs Firefox Review – The Browser Battle
In today's digital world, the wide availability of high speed internet requires the use of an equally adequate…
Firefox 4 Enable Save Tabs On Exit Warning
Those of you not aware, Firefox 4 was just recently released. I just downloaded and installed it a few hours ago…
Entrecard Toolbar For Mozilla Firefox Only
Entrecard Toolbar has been released - but for Mozilla Firefox only. I'm not sure when or if a version of…
Internet Explorer VS FireFox
I just started browsing through some cool sites and blogs i was looking for Wordpress plugins to add to this blog…