WordPress 2.6.1 – Minor Bug Fixes

Wordpress 2.6.1 Update

It seems there is already a new release after the major release of WordPress 2.6.

Its nothing much important or something to burden the wordpress bloggers, it looks like its just a maintenance patch that fixes some issues that were found in the last major release of wordpress which was WordPress 2.6 – WordPress 2.6.1 has been released just about 1 month after the last one.

It isn’t required to upgrade to this latest release, but if you are having trouble with your current version of wordpress you should most likely upgrade as soon as possible.

I’m not sure if i will be upgrading any time soon. I’m not having any trouble with the current but i just don’t like to see that link at the bottom of the Administrator Panel saying Get version 2.6.1, so i might do it later some time.

I’m highlighting the issues, but to see the complete detail visit the Official WordPress Post

  • Improved Admin Interface styling for right-to-left languages
  • gettext bug caused by certain PHP configurations is now fixed.
  • WordPress 2.6.1 fixes a-lot of permalink problems, For IIS users.

You can see the complete list of bug fixes by Clicking Here!

  1. Alex K says

    Thanks for the notes on that, the “update now” message has been bugging me for some time, I think I might let it bug me until 2.6.2, as I can’t see any too compelling reasons to update in that list!

  2. Zubair says

    I totally agree.. i haven’t updated either not sure when i will but i would’ve updated if i would have seen any major or problematic issues.

    Thanks for the feedback Alex 🙂

  3. Thai SEO says

    I am happy with current 2.6.1 version but WordPress 2.6.2 contains a handful of bug fixes. I’ve just upgraded my blog to this new.

  4. Zubair says

    Great to hear tat Thai SEO 🙂

    i’m not sure but its really weird that this new release of wordpress 2.6.2 wasn’t showing up at the bottom of my admin panel 😮 pretty odd.. it still shows the latest is 2.6.1 over there but thanks for info 🙂

    i dont see any major fixes for the latest release of wordpress which is version 2.6.2 or any special to brag about so i dont think i will brag about it 🙂 or upgrade just yet.

    I’ll be waiting for useful update, version 2.6.2 solves a bug which is only important to those users who are allowing Open Registration on their blogs.

  5. BratEmambteep says

    omg.. good work, man

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