Last time we had a Free Business Cards Contest – Now, recently we received an email from the team at Daniusoft who were willing to sponsor FREE copies of their DVD Ripper software and also a generous discount for our readers. Of course we received a copy of the software too, and we gave it… Continue reading Daniusoft DVD Ripper Giveaway
Tag: software
Android App Inventor – A New Google Labs Product
App Inventor is the easiest way to create apps for your phone! App Inventor is built on the idea that you do not need to be a developer to build great mobile applications. Instead of code, App Inventor allows you to visually design applications and use blocks to specify application logic.
WateenConnector v1.0.2 – Exclusively for Wateen WiMAX Consumers
Click Here to visit the offical website of Wateen-Connector. I’ve been talking about this lately, and finally i am putting it up for public. I actually made this on a request from a CyberPK’s Loyal and Regular user, i didn’t thought that other users would be experiencing the same problem like him, Until i recently… Continue reading WateenConnector v1.0.2 – Exclusively for Wateen WiMAX Consumers