Rooting your Android phone can give you the flexibility to do much more than your phone can do right out of the box. Wireless tethering, speeding it up by overclocking, or customizing the look of your phone with themes. Here’s everything you need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of rooting your Android device.
Tag: mobile
How Smartphones Impacted Our Lives [infographic]
Smartphones have secured a vital place in our lives. We take them everywhere with us, we have it around us all the time, even when we go to bed. Smartphones are already playing a lot of important factors in our lives, an important limb to our body. If our smart phones were to be taken… Continue reading How Smartphones Impacted Our Lives [infographic]
Android App Inventor – A New Google Labs Product
App Inventor is the easiest way to create apps for your phone! App Inventor is built on the idea that you do not need to be a developer to build great mobile applications. Instead of code, App Inventor allows you to visually design applications and use blocks to specify application logic.