Deal or No Deal? Yahoo-Microsoft

Breaking News! The rumor has been going on for long enough, and now finally i am proud to say that Yahoo! has rejected Microsoft offer of 44.6 Billion USD (sorry previously i stated this amount a bit higher). According to the rumor some officials at Yahoo! said that will not be giving Yahoo! to Microsoft… Continue reading Deal or No Deal? Yahoo-Microsoft

Microsoft to acquire Yahoo!

If you haven’t already heard, Microsoft is planning to acquire Yahoo! one of the most popular website and search engine on the web, after Google. Microsoft recently offered Yahoo! about 60 Million Dollars! It seems Yahoo! has a tough time making a decision.. The internet won’t ever be the same as we see it today.… Continue reading Microsoft to acquire Yahoo!

Free Search Engine List to submit your websites

Submitting your website or blog to the top search engines is one of the most crucial steps website owners have to do. it’s a must for every website; although sometimes you might not need to do it like for instance if you already have a decent number of link backs from other website or blogs – which are already indexed by Google or any other search engine.

Yahoo! Mobile Crawler

Yahoo! Mobile Crawler is not doing an accurate job crawling Mobile pages WML (Wireless Markup Language); People are becoming serious about their mobile websites and how they’re being crawled and presented more then ever especially since the launch of the official mobile domains ( Joy shows exactly whats wrong with the Yahoo! Mobile Crawler.

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