Well guys, These are for all the Dragonball & DBZ fans out there…
Recently while i was doing some search on designing and 3D topics i found these great pictures of yours truely… GoKu!!
One of my favorite characters ever! and not to mention still is.. 🙂
Goku is a popular character from a popular anime called dragonball, dragonball z and dragonball gt, He fights evil-do-ers and saves the world. etc, etc..
Whoever is a fan of Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Dragonball GT or Goku 🙂 will surely like these pictures i am posting.
I didn’t make these pic myself, i only found it somewhere on a public forum so all the credit goes to the original designer of these images. The designer is indeed talented… It looks better then the original Goku in the dbz anime!
It’s just a toy on it’s stand with a cool looking background
No acctualy it looks like a toy but it isn’t
(this is how its made): http://images.google.be/imgres?imgurl=http://bp1.blogger.com/_mhaCN714LMg/R6b-oSEAq-I/AAAAAAAAADM/pheb7vcHc78/s400/%255BTengChia%255D%255BDBZ_SSJ_Goku_wire%255D.jpg&imgrefurl=http://tengchia.blogspot.com/&usg=__PVHGNuD8rFfzxD_L7aiGqqOp5-c=&h=400&w=360&sz=32&hl=nl&start=1&um=1&tbnid=FOnw89LbrMSbBM:&tbnh=124&tbnw=112&prev=/images%3Fq%3D3D%2Bdragonball%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dnl%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:nl:official%26hs%3D3Zu%26sa%3DN
Awesome blog…. And nice Goku pic.
Hey! AWSOME !!!!
I love this thing I wanna know who is the owner I wanna make this Goku too.
yeah i know what you mean 🙂
I dont personally know the guy but if you want you can checkout the link below:
The guy who made this is a member here, his username is OmniLight, check it out.
i want save this picture to my computer..thanks !
I Am Very big Fan of Dragon Ball Z
Wow. This makes me remember my childhood. I remember heading home straight from just so I could catch up with the series.
very cool! hope to see other dragonball characters too in 3d!
Cool! It looks like an action figure!