This is going to be my second blog though – My first blog had a life-line of 4 days i was running the blog, updating it daily with several new post but suddenly a problem with a wordpress plugin caused the entire blog to go down. so i couldn’t do anything about it, but this time I’m not going to be using any of those useless plugins.
so as a start of the first post on the blog, i would like to welcome all the guys and gals to this blog and i hope to get some good readers soon 🙂
I’m right now very exhausted after doing the wordpress installation of this and setting up the themes, plugins, etc. so i won’t be making it a big post but I’ll for sure be updating the blog daily with good news and info for all of you guys.
Well i have to go now, I’ll be adding some more post as soon as I’m back in the evening 🙂